Abhilasha Center
Dharavi, one of the largest slums in the world, densely populated by a vastly diverse community is situated on a three sq.km patch of land in the very heart of the city of Mumbai. It is an intricate mass of labyrinthine roads, open sewers, hutments and filth, all of which over a million residents call home. For parents here, many of who are second generation, illiterate, often illegal migrants who live well below the poverty line, there is, as is everywhere in such communities, a deep desire for upward mobility.
Dharavi itself is a difficult neighbourhood, but this desire for mobility is amply evident in the way the community lives. While communal sanitation blocks, and streets are usually in deplorably dirty conditions on account of the sheer number of people who are densely packed into the slum, houses are kept well in most places. People living in Dharavi themselves display the same desire to earn more, educate their children better and live well as anyone else.